Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Final: Creativity

The Cutting Edge of Communication

I have accepted that social media is definitely part of my life. Not only is it a section of my life, it is a way of life. Facebook and Twitter are the main sources of my social media. Not until recently did I realized how much value the two medias have in the world today. Social media fuels the fire of a “right now”/”results” media. If I need an answer from a business or want to get their attention I can simply send a tweet, narrow it down with a hashtag or mention the business in a Facebook status to get results. This is much simpler and satisfying then writing and mailing a letter with an ounce of hope it gets in the hands of the right person. Social media has allowed business to grown and continually brand themselves. This new age of writing gives value to a voice. Customers can be heard, and business can find out what it is that the customer really needs. Social media has opened up a new demographic of creativity. Writing on Twitter and Facebook is to the point. This makes writers conjure up clever terms, words, and fun games for customer to really interact with the business. Business and consumers, give social media Thanks. Facebook and Twitter gave your opinions value.

Social media has molded society into a, I want it, and I want it now attitude. But is that necessarily a bad thing? Society doesn’t wait for a person to catch up before continuing. Getting direct and person messages through twitter can help a person with a much needed solution. Business have been forced to join in and accecpt that if you’re not involved with social media, then why should we be involved in your business? People want to be heard. And business want to hear what their customers want. Social media has created a win win.

Even though Twitter and Facebook provide instant satisfaction, excitement, and a voice, there are a few drawbacks. If a business such as Target, posts something that could be considered insensitive to an incident, within seconds billions of followers have viewed it. For instance, Charlie Sheen accidently tweeted his phone number to 5 million flowers the other day. He meant to send a private tweet to a buddy and instead got a multitude of calls and texts that resulted in a change of phone number. Anything put on the web can not be erased.

My own writing has been affected by blogging and tweeting. I am more apt to click on an interesting blog and read article that I normally wouldn’t search out just sitting on Google. I see the interest of my friends and am drawn in by pure curiosity. I’ve realized it’s okay to be a little subjective sometimes. Showing who you are, what you’re in to, and a little creativity is what makes a person unique. Special traits and talents can be portrayed though tweeting and blogging without seeming annoying and attention seeking. It’s exciting to see what will be next in the realm of social media.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Twitter-Use it

I have been on Twitter for a mere 3 months and I have already learned so much about the media. It is so much more than I once thought. Clive Thompson wrote a article titled, How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense. He takes a different view point on the sometimes "meaningless" tweet on day to day activities. Often times people get annoyed when they get contant tweet regarding where they are what they are doing. Thompson doesn't see these tweets so meaningless. he says Twitter can create a sixth sense by allowing him and other useres to constantly know what is going on in someones life. He recalls it as a sort of ESP. It's an interesing way of looking at it. But he's got a few good points.

Thompson says he uses updates on Twitter to get to know a person better. Knowing when someone had a bad day might hinder you from upsetting them further. When something exciting happens to a person, or they express their interest, it can help the flow of future conversations. He defends complaints agains twitter when he wrote, "critics sneer at Twitter and Dodgeball as hipster narcissism, but the real appeal of Twitter is almost the inverse of narcissism. It's practically collectivist — you're creating a shared understanding larger than yourself."  Paying attention to borning little Tweets can create a sixth sense in a way. And using these tweets to better communicate can help with networking and relationships.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why Twitter Will Endure: Response

I recently read an article titled, Why Twitter Will Endure by David Carr that may have changed my mind about Twitter. On October 24, 2011 I was forced (yes forced) to open a Twitter account to use as a tool in my Writing for Business Class. I was one of many who thought, "I really don't care what Johnny is doing 24/7 and don't have time for this media. Facebook is better." Now after 41 days of experiments, Tweets, and reading this article, I am proud to say I have Twitter.

David Carr hit the nail on the head in this article when explaining Twitter through social media I do believe it is here to stay. Myspace and other social fads have missed some of the key aspects that Twitter offers. Twitter eliminates useless web surfing time and can be categorizes through handy hashtags. Twitter allows business, brands, and developers to figure out what their target customer is looking for and how to tap into other niche markets. Users can follow their mentors, idols, and hobbies. Business updates, fashion tips, Kardashian gossip, and breaking news are at any Twitter user's fingertips within seconds of occurring. Carr's innocent Tweet on a popular airline served him with excellent customer service on the airline within minutes.

David Carr describes Twitter best to newcomers when he said, "At first, Twitter can be overwhelming, but think of it as a river of data rushing past that I dip a cup into every once in a while. Much of what I need to know is in that cup: if it looks like Apple is going to demo its new tablet, or Amazon sold more Kindles than actual books at Christmas, or the final vote in the Senate gets locked in on health care, I almost always learn about it first on Twitter."

This social media tool should be used to its full capacity. While writing this article I have checked my Twitter account at least twice. Following friends and role models gives me inspiration to dig deeper into other topics, while some give me a little laugh to brighten my day. David Carr's article has me convinced. Now try it out for yourself!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 14: Designin Reader-Centered Pages and Documents

There are 6 differnent elements of communication that a reader will see when they look at a page.
1 Text
2 Heading and titles
3 Graphics
4 White Space
5 Headers and Footers
6 Physical Features

The designer has to consider the reader and the purpose of a design work. Creationg a grid on your blank page will allow you to have a visual frame to format your page. Selecting a text that is easy to read is very important. Using a typeface with strong, distinct main lines. avoiding using italics for more than a sentence at a time, and avoiding using all capital letters for more than a few words at a time, are key aspects to remember when choosing a font. The overall document should look well put together when it is finished. It needs to be well organized and appear attractive.