Sunday, November 20, 2011

Spam on Facebook

As Social media grows and Facebook expands many are concerned with the privacy and safety of the site. With more and more users on Facebook it seems scammers and spam tries to sneak in and grow with Facebook. Recently pornographic pictures, photo-shopped pictures of celebrities and images of violence spread through the social media site. Spammers tricked users into copying a code into their browsers to spread the content. CNN published an article by Doug Gross, titled, Facebook and the fight against spammers, giving some insight on the concern. CNN reported less than 4% of content on Facebook is Spam compared to 89% through email.

Facebook’s security has been top notch in the past. However spammers and scammers are also clever. Chester Wisniewski, a senior analyst with security firm Sophos, gave his opinion of the matter when he commented, “"If it's malware-related ... scams and spam and things like that ... they're pretty good about it," he said. "They're very conscious about the fact that they don't want their users to be infected. But with the survey scams and things, they don't seem to be that effective.”

Facebook responded to the issue through Spokesman Andrew Noyes when he said, "We believe the security fight requires a multipronged approach. In addition to our dedicated legal team, Facebook also has security experts and engineers focused on the integrity of the site. We're continuing to build systems to prevent and respond to spam attacks. Our User Operations team also works around the clock to identify problems and assist those affected. The article shared other efforts of Facebook including a recent testing of a tool, Trusted Friends and App Passwords. Users who forget passwords for their account, or had a password change without their knowledge can request a key from three to five trussed friends. The social media site also launched reward programs last year the pays people to catch scammers and report security problems. Facebook would like to add other security programs but doesn’t want to slow the system down.

Facebook proves again and again that they are on the ball when it comes to catching security issues. In the past, Facebook was awarded $711 million court ordered from the “Spam King”, Sandford Wallace. They also won a $360 million judgment against another spammer, Phillip Porembski, and sued Adam Guerbuez and Atlantis Blue Capital for sending offensive images on the social site. Facebook was awarded $873 million from the case, the largest amount ever awarded under federal anti-spam laws. Users should thank the company for their proactive actions against security breeches and be on guard when using social media websites.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Expensive Christmas

Technology is booming! The newest, coolest, must-have gadget comes out it seems every other day. Apple may lead the iPad first, but other recognizal brands soon follow with tablets, music players, games, and more. The media is saturated with the images and commercials of wants that have turned into needs. The new toy for kids isn't Barbie's pink jeep or Batman games. Kids want electronics! iPads, playstations, smartphones, tvs, computers, tablets, and more are filling up Christmas list all over the country. Jennifer Van Grove submitted an article titled, Who needs Barbie? Kids and Teens want an iPad for Christmas , reporting a survey from Nielsen showing the iPad the most desirable gift for 2011. 44 percent of kids in the U.S. ages 6 to 12 want and iPad this Christmas. And 24 percent of teens/adults 13 and up want the iPad as a gift this year. Apple is the product to have this year. Nielsen also revealed 27 percent of kids are hoping for an iPod touch or iPhone this holiday season. Not as many older kids are wishing for iPod touches. Maybe they already have one or they are holding out for something better. E-readers are expected to make great gifts for a more mature age of teens.

So parents, don't disapoint! You're kids may not be thrilled to open socks and a new Christmas sweater this year. Kids are going big. They want to catch up to society and have the latests. It's your choice to decide if you're willng to spend a couple extra hundred this year so your kid's not left out. And lets not forget about family with multiple children. This holiday season might be too expensive! Let's just remind everyone of the true meaning of Christmas and to enjoy the time you have with your friends and family. Maybe everyone should turn off all those electronics and really get to know your family this year.

Technical Communication Ch 8 & 9

Chapter 8 moves forward to help writers create a draft. One effective way to begin a segment is to announce your topic from the start. Stating the facts/main point upfront helps readers easily understand your message. Three effective ways to begin a segment are, to use a sentence, use a single word (first), or to use a question. The second way to begin a segment is by presenting your generalizations before your details. This saves the reader time and give the general point upfront. However, there are times when presenting your generalizations first are not effective. You don't want to start out with a negative reaction from the  readers. Sometimes it is best to show some facts and a base of your argument before stating your general points.

Chapter 9 is about putting your own voice into the article and owning it. As a writer, you have to decide how formal, or informal you want to be perceived. Saying things in your own words creates a more personable style. However, that does not mean you should always be as informal. If you are writing a report, proposal, etc, with other writes it is best to have a uniform voice. Chapter 9 also urges writers to put action into verbs. Do not use passive sentances and instead convert your verbs to become full of action and energy. Emphasizing the most important points of the article, report, etc., can be achieved throuhg clear, forceful sentences.

Technical Communication Ch 6 & 7

These chapters show us how to gather information, develop good sources, and reminds us to be critical thinkers when writing. Chapter 6 informs us to gather information from credible sources. This will gain you credibility and show the reader you worked hard and believe in what you are writing. Making a plan before researching will save time and help you to find the most effective material to use. Good research starts with defining your research objective, identifying the full range of sources that may have helpful information, and gathering information that can be analyzed in subgroups.

In Chapter 7 helps us to analyze all of our thoughts and facts. Explaining the importance of your material to the reader is important so that the reader can understand what your conclusions means to them. You want to communicate your key point and call for action to the reader so they can make connections to make their own decisions. Well rounded main points and quality research on your part will deliver your message clearly to the reader.

Technical Communication Ch 4 & 5

Chapter 4 & 5 of Technical Communication help writers to organize and plan when taking action to write a report. Chapter 4 explains how to organize main points in an article or report in the most effective way possible. After identifying information that your reader needs, the writer has to organize their thoughts and information in a way so the reader can easily find them. Three organizational strategies that increase usability are, Organize hierarchically, group together items your reader will use together, and give the bottom line first. Keeping in mind your audience is key when writing. The reader needs to be engaged, material relevant, and subject matter ethical. Identifing communication's stakeholders, the people who will be affected by that you say and how you say it, will help you make and follow guidelines when writing.

Chapter 5 explains how to communicate your opinion into the article. Persuasion can be used in two ways. First, to influence other people's attitudes and actions. Second, to influence others but to collaborate with them in exploring ideas or possible course of action. You may want to use persuasion in an article to reverse, reinforse, or shape and attitude. It is very important to listen to the thoughts and concers of the reader and ask for feedback. We can aways learn why someone doesn't agree or maybe why they hesitate to agree. This information will help you to better understand a differnt point of view to acurately communicate to others in the future.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Business Article: Who are You Working for?

Who are You Working For?

“I HATE MY JOB!” How many times have you heard this or maybe even said this about your job? Too often employees detest their job, boss, or co-workers. How do employees end up in a job that is miserable? Vital research before accepting a job will help job seekers make wiser decisions and well rounded opinions about potential employers. Taking a step back, a deep breath, and a little research can prevent rushing into a painful career.

In today’s economy, the perfect job is not always easy to find. People jump to the first opening and accept a position without any knowledge of the employer. Many people are led to believe jobs are scarce, take what you can get, competition will only increase, and other misconceptions regarding the working world. Although there is a level of truth to these allegations, fear can not push a job seeker into a job they’ll hate. Job seekers, particularly college students, need to acknowledge special strengths and credit hard work and determination as assets. In order to fall in love with a job, job seekers must not settle. After all work is work; but shouldn’t work bring a person joy of accomplishing tasks and a sense of fulfillment?

Run a Background Check
          Alina Dizik, CareerBuilder researcher, suggests job seekers take action and run a background check on potential employers. It sounds strange to reverse roles and investigate an employer, but it will pay off in the end. Check the finances for signs of bankruptcies or lawsuits. Evaluate the company culture and decide if it is a good fit. An uncomfortable environment for one employee might not suit another. An employee’s performance will lack in a culture that they are not used to. Track layoff and career progression and if possible find out who occupied the position available and reasons for the position opening. Also it’s important to research how the company solves problems and gain insight on the way employees are treated. Digging a little deeper to understand the company/employer will also allow room for sound, valid questions in the interviewing process.

Using the right resources to run a background check on a business is important. The Better Business Bureau gives consumer, business, and job seekers information on business reputations. The potential employer’s website will provide positive information about the company. It will also give job seekers a heads up of the company structure and the environment of the company. Former employees can also be a good resource.

Rejecting a Job Offer
          After researching a potential employer and evidence reveals this isn’t the right fit, it is okay to decline a job offer. Thanking the selection or interviewing committee is always appreciated. It is not necessary to give reasons for rejecting the offer. However keeping a good stance with the company is helpful for future opportunities. Referring other candidates shows respect to the company and earns creditability.

Find a Job to Love; It’s Worth it!
Running a background search on a company is worth the time and energy. Job seekers will find a position to grow and prosper in when they enjoy the work. Jayne Mattson, Senior Vice President of Keystone Associates, a career management company, said, a background search “will help you and the company make sure the role is going to be a good fit for both of you. Ask questions that will get to the heart of what you are trying to understand, so you will make the right career decisions.” Accepting a job, starting a career, or switching jobs, are huge commitments. It’s crucial to take the right steps and precautions and fall in love with a job.

Background Checks on Potential Employers

This article titled Do Background Check on Potential Employer by Alina Dizik brings out a very good point when looking for a job. So now instead of begging for a job and taking the first postion availbale we are being told to stand back and weigh the options. Too many people get into a postion where they hate their job. Diaz suggests to check the finanicancs, gauge the company culture, check it's solving problem record, and, track layofsf and career progression. These helpful hints will help you find the right job and love it.

This article sparked my interest becuase in today's economy jobs are hard to find. But we still need to take precautions and not jump into anything too soon. It is important to find a job that you like becuase you are more apt to keep the job and preform better.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Online Reputation and Getting a Job

In Writing for Business at Grand View University we have been discussing online presences and the good, bad, and ugly that can come from an online reputation. This article by Kate Duttro Titled, How Your Online Reputation Can Kill Jobs for You, points out the growing concern and use of online resources and decisions based these usages. Showing up online in a negative or "inappropriate" light can ruin a chance for a job, especially for jobs such as Teachers. Even if you are conscience of any information or posts that may appear distasteful to prospective employers keep in mind that post, comments, pictures, etc. made by friends or family can also open employers' eyes to your surroundings and you as a person as a whole. Microsoft put out a study in 2009 performed by Cross-Tab on on how HR professionals use online resources and presentations when reviewing a candidate. The results included this statistic; "89%  have used online data mining as part of the hiring process and most consider it appropriate to consider personal data". With this information, we find that more younger people find it inappropriate to for HR to use online social media when deciding to hire a person whereas older generations see no problem with this. Does this mean that there are more younger people using social media? Perhaps. Or does this mean that the younger crowd doesn't hesitate to post comments about last night's party, or pictures of scandalous Halloween pictures? The article concludes that we as consumers are not doing our part by protecting our privacy.

This article brought up many important points that I think people, college/job seekers in particular, tend to forget about when getting involved online. It is very easy to make one or many harmless comments that could ultimately lose you a job you might have dreamed of. And not only do we have to watch what we are putting on the web, but now we are forced to pay attention to that activity of our friends and family. However, from an HR perspective, why not take a look online and see what happens. I think they ought to use all the resources available to them. They are not breaking into anything private anyhow. Practically everything on the web is public as well. The best thing to remember when participating online is to present yourself with dignity, and have an explanation for everything you put on the web.

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    Small Business Hiring has Slowed

    This article by Thomas Reuters titled Small Business Hiring Slows, Wages Dip expresses the concern of the economy’s effect on the working world and the cycle of hiring. Not only does the article show how hiring has slowed but also people are paid less and given raises less. On a good note Susan Woodward from Intuit (a payroll processing company conducting research) said, “"From this month's numbers, we don't see a new recession, but we don't see a robust recovery either.”
    That statement doesn’t give job seekers much to go on. Are they supposed to take a low paying job just for the sake of having a job? Or wait until the economy picks up and jump in then?
    Drop in August employment doesn’t mean the economy is back in recession. According to this article this should not be interpreted as a sign the economy is back in recession, when the economy grew 1 percent at an annual rate in the 2nd quarter after expanding only .4 percent in the Jan to Mar period.
    When looking for a job having something that no one else has, making yourself unique, and marketing yourself will help make you noticed. I do all the hiring for my company and it’s hard to put a price on GREAT employees. Make yourself that employee that everyone wants and don’t give up fighting for a job.