Monday, October 31, 2011

Get Online & Get a Job

Dan Schawbel's article titled, 5 Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 years gives job seekers a head's up to consider all possibilities to gain a competitive edge when applying for jobs. Schawbel recommends to first establish an online presence and domain through a personal website using Hardcopies and interviews are in the past and social media and online presences swooping in for replacement. Schawbel's 5 reasons to support this movement are:
1. Social networking use is skyrocketing while email is plummeting
2. You can’t find jobs traditionally anymore
3. People are managing their careers as entrepreneurs
4. The traditional resume is now virtual and easy to build
5. Job seeker passion has become the deciding factor in employment

After reading this article it opens my mind to the many possibilities to consider when I do hiring at my current job. In a sense this technique would be very helpful by allowing me to search for applicants on my time and getting a feel for a person as a whole. On the downside, I do not want to take the time to search out an average employee. I would be more impressed if approached by a prospect. In working in retail confidence is a big key to selling and connecting with customers. Confidence can only be presented on paper, well in this case, online to an extent. At some point I need to draw the line and have human contact. So will resumes be eliminated and online profiling becoming acceptable? I think it already has? However it always takes certain segments of the business world to time to fully accept and change.

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